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A Christian Gap Year Experience

Kurios (koo’-re-os) is the Greek word for Lord, which means master and ruler.
This experience is all about “kurios-ity”: seeking Jesus together and pursuing Him as Lord of all.
Come to Jasper! Applications open for 2025-26 year! Apply Today!
Apply by Jan 31 and receive a FREE KURIOS hoodie!
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Come to Jasper! Applications open for 2025-26 year! Apply Today!

2025-2026 Participant fee - $11,500

We are delighted to guarantee the first 12 registered applicants a bursary to reduce the cost to $11,500 from our base rate of $14,000. We may be able to offer it to more participants if we have funds available.

The actual cost per participant exceeds $20,000.  We have been able to offer a greatly reduced fee because of the generosity of our donors.

What the fee covers:

  • Accommodation
  • Food 
  • Course costs 
  • BC/SK/MB Road Trips 
  • Canadian Outdoor Adventure Trips 
  • Program Costs (overhead, like insurance and staffing and transportation etc... 

What the fee does not cover:

  • 5 week Guatemala experience (see below)
  • Transportation costs associated with traveling to/from KURIOS at the beginning and end of each term
  • ~5-6 textbooks (about $250)
  • Non-essentials such as souvenirs, etc.

2025-2026 Guatemala fundraising - $4,500

We expect our 5 week experience in Guatemala to cost around $4,500 (actual amount will depend on flight costs at the time). We will work with participants to fund-raise* the entire amount, all of which is eligible for a charitable donation receipt from our partner, Canadian Baptist Ministries. Each participant is responsible to ensure the total amount is provided to CBM.


if you feel called by god to kurios but cannot afford it, please contact our director steve to discuss your circumstances further.



Thanks to the generosity of individuals and organizations, KURIOS is able to significantly reduce the cost to participants!

Friends of KURIOS Bursary - Thanks to the generosity of many individuals and organizations, KURIOS is able to guarantee the first 12 accepted participants for 2025-2026 a $2,500 Bursary (This is already factored in to the $11,500 cost per participant, the base cost is $14,000 less this $2,500 guaranteed bursary.) We may be able to offer it to more participants if funds are available.

Hopehill - Hopehill is an affordable housing community for maturing adults located in Vancouver, BC founded by the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada.  Hopehill is committed to supporting KURIOS through on site training and service opportunities and are significant contributors to our Friends of KURIOS Bursary fund each year.

***NEW*** KURIOS CBWC CAMP STAFF BURSARY - This $1,000 bursary is available to anyone who serves as full-time camp staff during the the summer immediately preceding their Kurios experience.  To find out which camps are participating and how to apply click here (.pdf, 154KB)

CBWC Women's Bursary - The CBWC Women’s Bursary (established as a legacy of Women in Focus) aims to encourage growing faith among young women in the CBWC family.

In compliance with CRA, Kurios participants will receive a T4A for the total bursary amount.




Kurios began in 2020 with a vision of young adults seeking Jesus together and pursuing Him as Lord of all.

Thanks to the support of our community, we have been successful in funding the start of this new ministry.   We are building a community who can pull together to raise today’s leaders now.

If you would like details about our finances, please contact our Director [email protected]

All donations are eligible for a charitable donation tax receipt in Canada. Kurios is a ministry of Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, the donate buttons below will re-direct you to the CBWC donation portal. 100% of donations to Kurios through this portal go to fund Kurios.


Two great donation options (click below)***: 


The Program Fund is used for base KURIOS expenses and is our greatest need.

The Bursary Fund is distributed to participants to lower their fees. 

***You will be redirected to the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada donation portal

What's Next

Get in Touch

We want to hear from you about anything relating to Kurios.

Apply Today

Complete an online application to begin your Kurios experience right now.

Once your online application is received, our staff will contact you to schedule a conversation about the next steps toward beginning your Kurios journey.

Apply Now

Partner With Kurios

Kurios is committed to prayer, and deeply appreciates our community of praying partners. If you are interested in learning how to specifically prayer for Kurios, fill in the Get in Touch form, and we will be in touch with you.

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